A native of Rio de Janiero, Claudia Roquette-Pinto is the author of five books (Os Dias Gagos [1991], Saxifraga [Editora Salamandra, 1993], Zona de sombra [Rio de Janiero: Sette Letras, 1997], Corola [Granja Viana-Cotia, Brazil: Atelie, 2001], and Margem de Manobra [Rio de Janiero: Editora Aeroplano, 2005]. Selections from these volumes have appeared in English translation in Shadow Zone [Los Angeles: Seeing Eye Books, 1999] and The PIP Anthology of World Poetry of the 20th Century (Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press/Green Integer, 1997/2003). From 1986-1991, she managed Verve, a monthly publication dedicated to literature and the arts. Roquette-Pinto has also published numerous poems in anthologies and, with Regis Bonvicino, co-translated Douglas Messerli’s Primeiras Palavras [Sao Paolo: Atelie Editorial, 1999] into Portuguese.
John Keene is a founding member of the Poetry and Poetics Colloquium and Associate Professor of English & African American Studies at Northwestern.