May 30th, 2014: Yopie Prins

May 30th, 2014: Yopie Prins

The Poetry and Poetics Colloquium and the Classical Receptions Workshop is proud to present a workshop with renowned scholar Yopie Prins May 30th, from 12:00-2:00pm in Kresge 2-370: “Sapphic Stanzas: how do we read the rhythm? For a copy of the paper, please...

May 15th, 2014: Avital Ronell

The Poetry and Poetics Colloquium, the Department of German, and the Critical Theory Cluster are proud to present a lecture by renowned scholar and theorist Avital Ronell. The lecture will be held on Thursday May 15th, from 4:30-6:00pm in Harris 108. Avital Ronell,...

May 8th 2014: Lacy Rumsey

The Poetry and Poetics Colloquium and the French Interdisciplinary Group are pleased to welcome Lacey Rumsey to Northwestern for a workshop on poetic rhythm, Thursday May 8th, 2014 from 12:30-2:00pm in Crowe 1-125. Poets have long attended to the formal potential of...

May 2nd, 2014: Angelica Freitas and Hilary Kaplan

The Poetry and Poetics Colloquium and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese are pleased to welcome Brazilian poet Angelica Freitas and translator Hilary Kaplan to Northwestern for a bilingual workshop and a reading in the Hagstrum Room, University Hall 201, from...

CECILIA VICUÑA Reading Highlights

Cecilia Vicuña visited Northwestern on April 21st and 22nd, 2014, for a performance and a workshop. A full video of Vicuña’s performance, and the ensuing discussion, is available here. Photo highlights from her performance are collected in a slideshow below....