We hope you are able to join us tomorrow for the Poetry & Poetics Colloquium’s first event of the year:
Bettina Judd and Safiya Sinclair: “On Black Feminist Poetics”
Thursday, October 5th, 2017,
12:30-2:30pm, Hagstrum Room (University Hall 201)
This event will feature poetry readings by two acclaimed contemporary poets, Bettina Judd and Safiya Sinclair, who will read from their debut collections. This reading will be followed by a conversation on the topics of Black feminist poetics, scientific racism, and the archive. Bettina Judd is the author of Patient. (Black Lawrence Press, 2014), which won the Black Lawrence Press Hudson Book Prize. A Cave Canem Fellow, she is Assistant Professor of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Washington. Safiya Sinclair is the author of Cannibal (University of Nebraska Press, 2016), winner of the Prairie Schooner Book Prize in Poetry, and a Whiting Writers’ Award. She is the recipient of a Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation and the Addison M. Metcalf Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
Lunch will be served.
This event is co-presented with the Black Poetics Collective and co-sponsored by the Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities; the Center for the Writing Arts; the Department of African American Studies, the Black Graduate Student Association; the Department of Performance Studies; and the Program in Critical Theory.