by ssy5284 | Oct 16, 2024 | Events
Join the Poetry & Poetics Colloquium for an interdisciplinary poetry reading featuring Cass Donish, Alyssa Moore, and Joss Barton this Wednesday Oct 16th at 5pm in the Hagstrum Room (University Hall, 201). Snacks & drinks in abundance! We hope to see you...
by ssy5284 | May 8, 2023 | Blog, Events
Please join us for a lunch talk with Alicia Mountain on Thursday May 18th at 12:00pm in Crowe 1-132. Her talk is entitled “(Re)visiting The Highest Apple: Judy Grahn’s 1985 Essays on Sapphic Poetry.”
by ssy5284 | May 2, 2023 | Cluster Members
Yẹmí Ajíṣebútú (she/her) is a PhD Candidate in the Comparative Literary Studies Program. Her research focuses on the Being of the Diasporic self in the United States in contemporary narratives of African (Nigerian) descent writers, Art, Enslavement, and Oriki....
by ssy5284 | Apr 26, 2023 | Blog, Events
Please join the Poetry & Poetics Colloquium in welcoming Madison McCartha on Wednesday April 26th at 5pm in the Hagstrum Room (UH 201) for a poetry reading and conversation. Reception to follow! Madison McCartha is a poet, critic, and multimedia artist whose debut...
by ssy5284 | Apr 5, 2023 | Blog, Events
Please join the Poetry & Poetics Colloquium along with the Workshop in Transnational Cultural History and Harris Feinsod’s seminar “The Blue Humanities” for a poetry reading and conversation with Craig Santos Perez. The event will take place at...