The Voice Within Us:

Poetry in the Schools

Working with local high schools to bring poetry to Chicago youth.
Poetry in the Schools: The Voice Within Us is a collaboration between P&P and Evanston Township High School (ETHS), inagurated in 2012. In 2013, Voice Within Us began a partnership with Y.O.U. (Youth & Opportunity United), a youth development agency that provides services and leadership to meet the emerging needs of young people and their families in our community.
The Voice Within Us program is a series of poetry workshops for high school students, intended to introduce them to the art of writing poetry as a vital means of creative expression, imaginative inquiry, and verbal experiment. The workshops are led by talented Northwestern undergraduate students, and overseen by members of the P&P faculty.
Our workshops take place in February and March, and culminate in a public reading of ETHS student poetry during the Northwestern Writing Major’s April festival of writing. Damask Press has published a limited edition volume of the poetry that emerged from these workshops.